Who Lived In Kirkham
Kirkham Portrait Gallery – Faces of the Past
Kirkham has a long history that can be traced right back to the Doomsday book. It is a town with a rich and varied heritage, a history that includes the Roman encampment at Carr Hill, a Medieval Moot Hall and market, and a great industrial past, seen when the town was dominated by textile mills, with a workforce busily engaged in the weaving of cloth for the manufacture of sails and parachutes.
Each of the portraits below displays a character who would have lived in Kirkham, at some point, over the centuries. Their story has been inspired by heritage, however authors have been allowed to use artistic license where little evidence exists, drawing conclusions based on what appears to be true.
All the stories have been researched and told by local authors, bringing Kirkham’s heritage to life.
If you have enjoyed reading these stories and have a comment to make, we would love to hear from you please provide a review by getting in touch.
Tell a Tale of Kirkham
If you have a story to tell, maybe about your grandparents or a relative, then see the Get Involved page and read the information on how to add their portrait to the gallery and their story to the library. We look forward to building a library of your stories.

Henry Rishton Buck - Napoleonic Soldier

Tell My Story - Victorian Mill Owner

Tell My Story - Edwardian Shop Keeper

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Tell My Story - Victorian Mill Worker

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Tell My Story - Roman Soldier

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