Thank you to everyone who attended the Kirkham Tunnel Book workshop. We can’t wait to see the end results.
If you didn’t get a chance to join in live with the workshop, this video is a full replay.
Here are a few images of pieces created by local residents. The first boom depicts Kirkham Wesham Primary School, the second piece focuses on the local churches, mills and fish stones and the third piece focuses of Kirkham’s historic flax industry.
Why not have a go at making your own Kirkham inspired tunnel book following our simple instruction’s:
You will need:
2 sheets of white card,
a pencil,
scissors (or a scalpel and mat),
glue or tape
1.Think of scene from Kirkham’s past that you would like to bring to life.
2. In a sketchbook or on scrap paper think about the different layers of the scene. What is in the background, this could be hills, buildings or possibly fields. What is in font of that, are there any key features or structures these could be natural or manmade. You may want to add a few features. In the foreground are there any people? If so, what do they look like, how would they have dressed back then? You will need about four layers in your image.
3.To begin cut out all of your parts. You will need to make 6 equally sized rectangles and two log strips the same height as the rectangles but longer. Now, take the long pieces of card and draw 10 lines equally spaces apart. The 6 rectangles will form the backing card, 4 layers of imagery and the front frame.
4.Now, fold along the lines one way and then the other to make a concertina. Repeat with the other long strip until you have two accordion style concertina strips. Glue the ends of each strip to your backing card.
5. You will create each layer from the back to the front. Start with the distant hills/backdrop. Draw that on another piece of card leaving a 1cm strip at the bottom that goes all the way across.
6. Cut along the top of your scene to create the shape and stick the edges of the piece to the first step in your concertina’s.
7.As you create each layer stick them to the next fold in the concertina’s until you have all 4 layers.
8.Finally, to create the frame, draw a rectangle 1cm in from each edge and cut out. Now, add the frame card to the front.
9. Let it dry. You can either leave your piece white or use paints of pens to colour in each layer.