Working Life

Working as a Traffic Control Officer in Kirkham

Tom moved from Chorley to Kirkham in the 1960s, where he met his wife when he stopped a vehicle for speeding and she was a passenger in the car.

Working Life on a Farm

Jenny left school at Christmas, aged 14, to work on the farm, here she talks about her main role of hand milking the cows.

Working at a Textile Mill in Freckleton

© Carole Hunt (Peggy’s Granddaughter) 

The original recording of Margaret Abram (Alias Peggy Abram) was made by the North West Sound Archive (2003), and is now stored at Lancashire Archives, reference: 2005.0128.


This work forms part of Kirkham’s Heritage, Health & Wellbeing programme. It has been funded through the Kirkham Futures programme, a partnership between Historic England (part of the High Street Heritage Action Zone) and Fylde Borough Council.

All memories are the personal opinions and recollections of the individuals involved.
The organisers take no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the recordings.

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Positive Placemakers