Submit To The Gallery
To make this project a success we need your contributions. For information on how you can get involved see here.
We are looking for:
- Photos of Poulton Street, Frecklton Street , Preston Street and Church Street
- Photos of events in Kirkham, club days and
- Your Treasure Maps- to exhibit on the online gallery.
- Research of a shop, building in Kirkham- to be added to the Historic High Street gallery
- Your portrait and story to be added to Who Lived in Kirkham.
- Submission of an image of your window artwork for the Kirkham Heritage Treasure Trail
To submit photographs, stories, audio or video you can upload them using the form on this page or email them to submissions@kirkhamtreasures.co.uk. Don’t forget to provide as much information as you can about your submission. You can also send us your submissions via our Facebook page.
Once we receive your submission a member of the team will get in touch to discuss any further requirements or to confirm receipt. For large files we would recommend using WeTransfer. Simply put on your email address and our email addresses in the relevant boxes and use the message field to provide us with as much information as you can about your submission.
We can accept most common file types.
Please Note: All submissions used will be credited to the author and copyright protected. In compliance with GDPR regulations we will only use your contact details to discuss your submission further. No email addresses or other details will be used for marketing purposes or passed on to any third party.