Along with many towns across the Fylde Kirkham’s major celebration is its Club Day. This is now usually celebrated in June and participated in by local churches, schools, groups, associations, and organisations who process through Kirkham and Wesham. It has a long and illustrious history and has been reported on in newspapers from the Victorian period onwards. On 6 July 1907 the Preston Herald described the Club Day of the previous Monday and called the event ‘one of the prettiest and most popular events in the Fylde District’. Similarly, on 2 July 1896 the Lancashire Daily Post noted that ‘Glorious weather favoured the annual Club day at Kirkham today’. The groups in the processions carried banners which were ‘beautiful works of art’ and ‘numerous bands accompanied the processionists’. Earlier in the nineteenth century, on 7 July 1860, the Preston Chronicle described the Kirkham Club Day of the previous Tuesday which ‘was an eventful day in the ancient but ordinarily quiet town of Kirkham’. Again, it noted the processions by the churches and schools but also listed the local branches of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, the United Order of Mechanics and the Ancient Order of Druids. The origins of Club Days are usually linked to such friendly societies whose collective subscriptions would be used to help members suffering from financial hardship. Sadly but inevitably, in 2020 the Club Day procession and activities for Kirkham and Wesham were cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.